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Ministry Events

Women's Prayer Circle

ALL women of the church are asked to meet

for five minutes with Barb Smith, after worship.

This is to lift all the women and give them

encouragement to pray for God's guidance

for all of them throughout the week.  

Outreach Project

The Women's Ministry will be assisting the Men's Ministry in providing an evening meal once

a month, I6-18 people at St. James Haven.

This will be for six months.

See Barb Smith for more details.


Women's Prayer Breakfast

There will be a monthly Women's Prayer Breakfast, starting on Saturday, February 8th at 8am in Heritage Hall. Please bring a dish to share. This will be a time for the women of the church to have a time of fellowship with their sisters in the church.

Young at Heart Winterfest 

​For all those 60 or older, Sunday, February 16th,

after Worship Service. This will be a time of

fellowship, soup and hot sandwiches.

Please sign up in Heritage Hall!

Men’s Ministry


Men of Grace Breakfast Fellowship

Saturday, January 25th at 8:30,

at French Creek Valley Christian School

in Saegertown.

Carpenters for Christ:


This is an FCC Men’s Ministry outreach developed to help anyone who considers First Christian Church their Christian family. We want to help those in need of

assistance with repairs or projects.


Contact Cameron Guffey at 814-720-9072.

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